National Polling Results on Energy and Conservation

The Conservative Energy Network (CEN) recently released their 7th annual national survey focused on voter attitudes towards pressing energy and conservation issues. 

On November 15th, CEN hosted a poll briefing to present the results.  The briefing featured panel speakers Tyler Duvelius, external affairs director at CEN, Glen Bolger, partner and co-founder of Public Opinion Strategies (POS), Matt Moore, managing partner at First Tuesday Strategies and John Hart, vice-president and co-founder of C3 Solutions.

“Our survey results make clear that economic issues are at the top of voters’ minds as they cast their votes—and rightfully so,” said Tyler Duvelius, CEN director of external affairs. “With 47% of Americans believing their electricity bills are higher than average, it is more important than ever that the United States embrace an all-of-the-above approach to energy policy. Our survey found that Americans want more emphasis placed on all forms of energy—particularly wind and solar power. More domestically produced energy will lower our electricity costs here at home and will forge America’s path to a clean energy future.”

Poll Briefing can be accessed here.

Poll Results can be accessed here.