Senator Cory Gardner Named 2019 Clean Energy Champion

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) named Colorado’s Senator Cory Gardner a 2019 Clean Energy Champion and was honored during National Clean Energy Week.  Sen. Gardner was praised for his record of delivering balanced, bipartisan solutions to environmental and conservation challenges. 

“As a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, with jurisdiction over energy generation and the bulk power grid, it’s an honor to be selected to receive the Clean Energy Champion Award from Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions,” said Senator Gardner. “By focusing on responsible energy development, energy reliability and affordability, and the environment, we have the potential to make a better life for all Americans and our nation more secure.”

While many Republicans have dodged difficult issues related to conservation and the environment, Sen. Gardner leaned in and took a critical leadership role to address these challenges head on.  Sen. Gardner has driven balanced solutions that not only improve the environment, but also support the U.S. economy. Sen. Gardner has driven bipartisan environment and conservation solutions at a time Washington, D.C., has virtually succumbed to partisan gridlock. 

Being honored as a 2019 Clean Energy Champion is just the latest example of recognition that Sen. Gardner has received for his pragmatic approach which has served Colorado and the nation well over the last five years.

Sen. Gardner’s record on clean energy and conservation issues is unmatched, here are some of the other recent highlights and praise for his record: 

  • Sen. Gardner championed renewable energy before it was trendy. In 2015, Sen. Gardner was a leader in crafting a bipartisan agreement on tax credits for wind and solar (PTC & ITC) that would gradually ramp down, giving industry the certainty it needed to drive investments and make the renewable resource market competitive. Again in 2017, Sen. Gardner played a pivotal role in stopping proposed tax changes from wiping out the PTC and ITC. Today, Sen. Gardner is part of a bipartisan group of U.S. senators working toward the expansion of incentives for large-scale batteries and other energy storage projects. These efforts have resulted in renewable energy emerging as a cost-competitive resource that contributes to an all-of-the-above energy balance.

  •  Sen. Gardner announced as 2018 U.S. wind champion. In 2018, Sen. Gardner was named U.S. Wind Champion for the 115th Congress by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). “The Senator fights tirelessly creating opportunity for Coloradans, crafting fair tax policy, strengthening energy security with transmission infrastructure, and securing funding for breakthrough wind power research at NREL,” said AWEA CEO Tom Kiernan.

  •  Sen. Gardner demands climate response based on science. Sen. Gardner is a national leader for science-based research and technologies to combat climate change. In 2017, Sen. Gardner co-sponsored bipartisan legislation to shield scientific agencies from political interference — an effort that drew high praise from the scientific community. “We are gratified that these Senators have not only helped to advance Earth and space science but also have put aside partisanship to further sound science policy,” the American Geophysical Union said.

  •  Sen. Gardner receives science champion award. In 2019, The Science Coalition presented Sen. Gardner with its distinguished Champion of Science Award, which honors leaders whose actions and votes consistently reflect their commitment to fundamental science research.

  •  Sen. Gardner led the most significant conservation legislation in a decade. Sen. Gardner led a bipartisan effort to pass what The Washington Post described as “the most sweeping conservation legislation in a decade, protecting millions of acres of land and hundreds of miles of wild rivers across the country.” The legislation combined more than 100 different conservation bills and permanently reauthorized the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which funds critical outdoor projects across America without any taxpayer dollars.

  •  Sen. Gardner earned national parks award. The National Parks Conservation Association awarded Sen. Gardner with the National Park Heritage Award in 2019 to recognize his leadership on public lands and conservation issues.

Sen. Gardner’s accomplishments on environmental and conservation policy are objectively remarkable for a first-term U.S. senator. According to Georgetown University and the Lugar Center, Sen. Gardner is one of the top five most effective members for driving bipartisan solutions in the U.S. Senate.